Welcome to the Chair of Quantum Mathematical Physics. We conduct research on mathematical aspects of various branches of contemporary theoretical physics. Of our particular interest are formal features and exact results in quantum field theory – and among others in its incarnations, such as conformal, integrable, and topological quantum field theories – which arise in condensed matter, quantum information, high energy physics, quantum gravity, string theory and M-theory. We analyze quantum integrability and strongly correlated quantum systems, entanglement measures and computational complexity, and try to understand how gravity geometry emerges from quantum information. Of our interest are matrix models and topological recursion, as well as links between physics, knot theory, and low-dimensional topology, and relations of all these systems to topological string theory.
- You can apply now for an (assistant) professor position at the Institute of Theoretical Physics. Deadline: September 30, 2024.
- September 2-6, 2024: Our Advanced School on Quantum Spacetime has been successfully completed – in the website you can now find some notes from the lectures.
- March 1 – June 30: Our Simons semester on knots, homologies and physics has been successfully completed – in the website you can find various materials and the link to recordings of the lectures.
- November 27, 2023: You can apply now (and visit us!) for Short Term Scientific Missions within the COST Action “Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics”. Deadline: December 12, 2023.
- November 27, 2023: Miłosz Panfil and Piotr Sułkowski awarded with prizes of the Rector of the University of Warsaw for their activities in the past year. Congratulations!
- November 23, 2023: Paweł Caputa has just obtained an ERC Consolidator Grant for realization of the project “Quantum Complexity from Quantum Field Theories to Quantum Gravity”. Congratulations!!!
- October 10, 2023: The COST Action “Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics” that we participate in has officially started. Piotr Sułkowski has become a vice-chair of the Action.
Contact and address
Head of the Chair: prof. dr hab. Piotr Sułkowski
Chair of Quantum Mathematical Physics
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Faculty of Physics
University of Warsaw
ul. Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
tel. +48 22 55 32814, +48 22 55 32949
e-mail: psulkows [at] fuw.edu.pl
[Members of our Chair (with a guest), November 2022 – click the photo to enlarge]
Our contact details can be found here.
Faculty members
- dr hab. Paweł Caputa
- dr hab. Miłosz Panfil
- prof. dr hab. Jacek Pawełczyk
- prof. dr hab. Piotr Sułkowski – Head of the Chair
- prof. Tomasz Taylor – under NAWA Professorship grant, 2023-2026
- dr Arindam Bhattacharjee
- dr Daniel Bryan
- dr Bowen Chen
- dr Luigi Guerrini
- dr Sinong Liu
PhD students
- Jan Boruch
- Pedram Karimi
- Jacek Kenig
- Maciej Łebek
- Dimitrios Patramanis
- Souradeep Purkayastha
- Abhigyan Saha
- Jędrzej Wardyn
MSc students
- Stanisław Kalinowski
- Antoni Lis
- Herbert Potrykus
- Artur Strąg
Former members (affiliated after January 1, 2022)
- dr hab. Nikolai Iorgov (senior researcher, 2023)
- Yurii Zhuravlov (PhD student, 2023)
- dr Adam Bzowski (postdoc, 2021-2023)
- dr Oleksandr Gamayun (postdoc, 2021-2023)
- dr Dongsheng Ge (postdoc, 2021-2023)
- Helder Larraguivel (PhD student, 2016-2023)
- dr Aditya Bawane (postdoc, 2020-2023)
- dr Kento Osuga (postdoc, 2021-2022)
- Michał Bączyk (PhD student, 2021-2022)
- dr Felipe Taha Sant’ana (postdoc, 2020-2022)
- Shi Cheng (PhD student, 2019-2022)
- Dmitry Noshchenko (PhD student, 2017-2022)
Research groups
Quantum Information in Quantum Gravity
Principal Investigator: dr hab. Paweł Caputa
Our main goal is to explore quantum gravity using quantum information. Our current focus is on developing quantum information tools such as entanglement measures and computational complexity in quantum field theories and using them to understand how gravity geometry emerges from quantum information.
Strongly Correlated Systems and Quantum Integrability
Principal Investigator: dr hab. Miłosz Panfil
Our primary interest is in the field of strongly correlated quantum systems and quantum integrability. We are also interested in mathematics and physics at the intersection of quantum groups, knots theory and topological string theory.
Quantum Fields and Strings
Principal Investigator: prof. Piotr Sułkowski
We conduct research in formal aspects of quantum field theory, topological string theory, matrix models and topological recursion, knot theory and knots-quivers correspondence. We are interested in interrelations between these topics and still some other related problems.
Celestial Holography
Principal Investigator: prof. Tomasz Taylor
Research group on celestial holography under NAWA Professorship grant for prof. Tomasz Taylor (2023-2026).
Quantum Singularities in Holographic Models
Principal Investigator: dr Adam Bzowski
My goal is to explore the structure of quantum black holes and cosmologies. I want to deliver new cosmological predictions based on holography and investigate the structure of the space of states of quantum black holes.
ERC Consolidator Grant
“Quantum Complexity from Quantum Field Theories to Quantum Gravity”
Principal Investigator: dr hab. Paweł Caputa
COST (European Cooperation in Science & Technology)
COST Action 22113, “Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics”
Vice-chair of the Action and country representative for Poland: Prof. Piotr Sułkowski
“Quantum geometry and BPS states”
Principal Investigator: Prof. Piotr Sułkowski
“From a broken integrability to thermalization in quantum many-body systems”
Principal Investigator: dr hab. Miłosz Panfil
NAWA Professorship
“Holographic description of fundamental interactions”
Principal Investigator: Prof. Tomasz Taylor
NCN – Sonata Bis
“Quantum information in quantum field theories and holography: dynamics and complexity”
Principal Investigator: dr Paweł Caputa
NAWA – Polskie Powroty
“Holographic geometry and quantum information”
Principal Investigator: dr Paweł Caputa
University of Warsaw – Mobility grant for PhD students, ZIP
For research visit at Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and collaboration with Prof. Sergei Gukov
Spring 2023
Grantee: Pedram Karimi
University of Warsaw – Student mobility grant, IDUB
For research visit at Kyoto University and collaboration with Prof. Mayuko Yamashita
Spring 2023
Grantee: Jacek Kenig
Simons Collaboration
“It from Qubit”
Alumnus Investigator: dr Paweł Caputa
NCN – Sonata
“Dynamic correlation functions of integrable models in and out of the equilibrium”
Principal Investigator: dr Miłosz Panfil
Foundation for Polish Science – Team
“Random matrix models: from biomolecules to topological recursions”
Principal Investigator: Prof. Piotr Sułkowski
“Quantum singularities in holographic models”
Principal Investigator: dr Adam Bzowski
NAWA – Ulam programme
“Non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum and classical one dimensional system”
Principal Investigator: dr Oleksandr Gamayun
Fulbright – STEM grant
“Unifying quivers and BPS states”
Principal Investigator: Prof. Piotr Sułkowski
String Theory Journal Club
A regular seminar of our chair
Tuesday, 12:15, 5.42 lecture room
Exact Results in Quantum Theory & Gravity
A regular seminar at the Faculty of Physics
Friday, 14:15, 1.40 lecture room
Theory of Duality (Teoria Dwoistości)
A regular seminar of KMMF
Thursday, 10:15, 2.23 lecture room
Condensed Matter Physics Seminar
A regular seminar at the Faculty of Physics
Friday, 12:15, 1.02 lecture room
Gravity, Quantum Fields and Information
Joint online international seminar
Tuesday, 15:00, online
Topological Recursion and Integrability Seminar
Online international seminar on topological recursion and integrability
Thursday, 15:00, online
Western Hemisphere Colloquium on Geometry and Physics
Online colloquium on geometry and physics aimed at a broad audience
Monday (biweekly), 21:00, online
Advanced school on quantum spacetime
September 2-6, 2024
University of Warsaw
Quantum information, quantum field theory and gravity
August 12 – September 6, 2024
ICTS, Bangalore
June 7-8, 2024
Jagiellonian University, Kraków
COST Action 22113 – kick-off meeting
May 13-15, 2024
University of Padova
Simons semester on knots, homologies and physics
March 1 – June 30, 2024
Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences
This semester program includes two workshops (March 18-22 and May 6-10) and an advanced school (May 13-17), which can be attended independently of the rest of the program.
Advanced school on asymptotically flat spacetime and celestial holography
August 28 – September 1, 2023
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
May 19-20, 2023
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
String Math 2022
July 11-15, 2022
Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw
7th Warsaw School on Statistical Physics
June 26 – July 2, 2022
Sandomierz, Poland
Fundamental challenges in theoretical physics
COST Action 22113 – international network in theoretical physics
String theory community in Poland
It from Qubit
Simons Collaboration on Quantum Fields, Gravity and Information
Zapytaj fizyka
A science outreach initiative at the Faculty of Physics
Jobs and positions
Postdoc position in the group of Piotr Sułkowski, in the Chair of Quantum Mathematical Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, under the grant “Quantum geometry and BPS states” funded by the National Science Centre, starting in September/October 2025. It is a part of the joint European postdoc application system and applicants should apply through that website (deadline: November 30, 2024) and send extra required documents listed in this announcements directly to psulkows[at]fuw.edu.pl (with “Postdoc application 2024” in the title of the message). For more information you can also contact Piotr Sułkowski (also at psulkows[at]fuw.edu.pl).
Postdoc position in the project “Quantum Topology and Deep Learning” led by Piotr Kucharski, at the Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, starting in October 2025. It is a part of the joint European postdoc application system; more details available at Inspirehep announcement.
Polskie Powroty NAWA – celem programu jest umożliwienie wyróżniającym się polskim naukowcom, pracującym naukowo za granicą, powrotu do kraju i podjęcia zatrudnienia w Polsce. Program stwarza Powracającym Naukowcom możliwość utworzenia własnej grupy badawczej. Deadline: 18 grudnia 2024.
Acknowledgements and funding